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AWS Automated Buildup Test

Bottom-hole Pressure Build–up Surveys

The fluid in the reservoir rock is under pressure and is forced out into the wellbore. How quickly it leaves the rock depends on both fluid and reservoir characteristics.

The fluid produced can easily be sampled at surface and sent to a lab for analysis. Determining the reservoir characteristics requires another approach – the well must be shut-in and closely monitored. As soon as a well is shut-in, its bottom-hole pressure begins to rise, or build-up. A build-up survey monitors the pressure response of the well to determine the reservoir characteristics, that is, how quickly and in what manner the pressure in the wellbore equalizes with the reservoir itself. The build-up test requires producing the well until a stabilized production rate and pressure is achieved, then shutting in the well for a period of time from 2 days to 4 weeks.

The pressure data can be recorded using: For pumping wells, it is advantageous to record the pressure using acoustics as the pump and rods do not have to be pulled out of the hole.

The pressure data, change in shut-in pressure verses time, is plotted on a grid to evaluate the reservoir parameters.

Analysis of the SHAPE and SPEED of the build-up curve reveals specific reservoir properties: This information is used by several regulatory bodies and different groups for various purposes:



A point of summary for conducting a sonic build-up survey on a pumping well: Click here to view ACOUSTIC PRESSURE SURVEY BUILD UP TEST